Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Favorite Interior Book Designs

Many thanks and chocolate for Amelia from YA Bookologists for suggesting this topic! The blog has been dry lately and I've been sucked of my creative juices for the past week or so, and you saved it from dying! <3 you Amelia.

Going through the books on my non-existent bookshelf (it's actually a Leaning Tower of Books, but I'll save that for another day) I gathered books which I thought contained really pretty illustrations, title pages, chapter headings, etc. and took bad quality pictures while failing to keep my arm steady. Never said I was a photographer.

Monday, February 9, 2015

What I've Been Doing With My Life

Because I feel like I rarely do personal posts on here, here I am updating everyone on the goings-on in my life at the moment. And hey, I'm totally copying Amelia from YA Bookologist's post, hehehe (with her permission of course.)

Listening to: As per Amber from YA Indulgences's recommendations, I've been obsessing over these two amazing indie bands named Hurts and Kodaline. How have I not heard of them until now? They remind me a bit of Bastille, which I guess is why I'm liking them both so much.
