Saturday, August 20, 2016

5 contemporary books I recommend to high schoolers

Now that my "journey" of high school is over, I'm so glad it's over  I decided to compile of list of contemporary books I recommend every high schooler to read. You know, books that teach you about life, books that are raw in emotion and don't shy away from the grotesque. Or the books that'll make you laugh or swoon or sigh in content.

But what all these books I'm going to list have in common is this; they are, above all, coming of age novels, and in my opinion, they accurately depict the journey that is adolescence. They helped me grow as a person and opened my eyes, if even by a fraction, but the effect on me was noticeable nonetheless.

1. Gabi, a Girl in Pieces, by Isabel Quintero

If you're not feeling comfortable in your own skin, Gabi, a Girl in Pieces is the perfect book for you. For someone who's a little bit on the chubby side, this book really spoke to me and tackled the issue of body image quite well. Not only that, but the main character is also a Latina, and that is fresh to see. It tackles other issues as well; however, it does not force these issues down the reader's throat. It merely chronicles Gabriella's life in a very humorous, honest way.

2. The Start of Me and You, by Emery Lord

If you're looking for a cute romance, read The Start of Me and You. I normally hate romance-centric books, but this was so sweet and just so... down to earth. I included this particular book mostly because it portrays a healthy relationship while accurately depicting high school life. (If you're still not convinced, read my review.)

3. The Truth About Alice, by Jennifer Mathieu

If you're looking for a novel that critiques the entire high school system, read The Truth About Alice. It's a short read, but by no means forgettable. Powerful, blunt, and eye-opening. An amazing novel that does not shy away from modern-day issues, and will definitely teach teens to broaden their perspectives. Read it.

4. Saving Francesca, by Melina Marchetta

If you're looking for a novel about friendship and family, read Saving Francesca. You didn't think I'd write an entire post about contemporary novels and not include Marchetta, did you? Everything about this novel is superb, the writing, the characters, the humor. It also brought up the topic of depression in an authentic manner, which I appreciated very much.

5. Orange, by Ichigo Takano

If you're looking for a novel about tragedy, depression, and friendships, read Orange. (That first sentence makes the manga sound more bleak than it is. It really isn't all that depressing, but it'll definitely make you cry.) Even if you don't normally read manga, you won't regret reading this one bit, trust me. And you'll fall in love with each and every character.

And that's my list! Feel free to add what you think should be on the list in the comments.

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